
Butterfly in Slow-Motion with iPhone

It was early April, the time of butterfly mating. During this time of year they are very active. We know butterflies collect nectar from flower for sugar. But they also need water and minerals. Which they lick from moist soil. I came across a group of butterflies and decided to film them. I dropped my DSLR setup and set the iPhone in Slo-mo mode. iPhone 6 & 6s can record video at 240 frame per second @ 1280 X 720. You need to set it up in Setting >  Photos & Camera > Camera > Record Slo-mo. This feature is very useful to view our world from a different perspective.
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Nikon D810 Time-lapse Photography Tutorial

Nikon has made the time-lapse photography very easy for average users. In most of the previous Nikon’s we had to use Interval timer to shot image on location and later post process them in video editing software. To do timelapse properly you need to set some of the camera setting right before you start shooting.

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How to Photograph Butterfly


To me butterflies are like flowers in flight. The diversity of their iridescent color, shape and size is a wonder of mother nature. Its always fascinating to photograph them which reveals their beauty. And they are available all around us - at the backyard, in the nearby park or in the jungle.

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Macro Photography Beginners Guide


In general taking close up photo of an object is regarded as Macro Photography. One has to understand many technical terms, calculation and use of specialised software if you want to grab the whole world of macro. But for most of us to take decent Macro Photo we don’t need that much knowledge.

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Digital Workflow – Photo Backup


I often say that Computer Hard disks are like Time bomb. They will go off at any moment, but we don't know exactly when. But it certainly will. And once its gone it will go down with all your precious memory and valuable documents.
It's absolutely necessary to make backup copies of all your Photos at regular interval. Professional Photographers use high-end server to meet their demand. I use a scale down version to serve my need

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Digital Workflow - Photo Folder Organization


After coming from an event most of us usually keep photos in desktop forever until low disk space force us to move it to another location. But if we keep them in an organized way, things will remain tidy.
Over the years I have learned how to create a folder structure for photos that fulfil my need. It helps to keep photos organized, including scanned image from film days to mobile phone photos of digital era.

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Digital Workflow - Photo Renaming


With the ever growing number of digital camera, photos taken by each of us becoming staggering. So after a few years there will be so many photos that it will be difficult to find out a specific photo. So every file should have a unique name. Since photos from mobile camera or DSLR devices create images of same name after certain number of pictures are taken there is every possibility that a new image will have the same name like an old one. And it might cause you lose some valuable memories. Read More…

How to achieve High Magnification in Macro Photography


The world of macro photography has always fascinated me like any other person. In this article I'll explain how do I achieved high magnification. For most of my close-up work I use AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D lens. The benefits of using a 60mm instead of 105mm macro lens are-

  1. A 60 mm lens can be used as a Normal lens

  2. It's a very good lens for copying object without distortion

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