
How to make a DSLR Camera Rain Cover


DSLR cameras are quite expensive. And the accessories that we need to build up a camera setup are not cheap as well. For example if you have an entry level camera and want a remote shutter release, you may get away with $20. But to get a remote shutter release for an advance amateur or pro level camera you have to spend $200. Read More…

How to convert a Tele converter to an Extension Tube


I had an old vivitar autofocus 2X Tele converter in film days. As the digital era started it turned out that these converters can generate worst kind of image, so it went out of service. But why not through away the inner glass element of this converter and turn it into an extension tube. So I removed all the glass component and covered the shiny aspects with black felt found in the opening of good old film canister. Now I have a fully functional AF Extension Tube. Which works perfectly with my Nikons. And it's solid too. I have been using it for a long time and it has become a permanent part of my macro setup.

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How to convert Normal 18-55 Zoom Lens to Macro lens


The standard tool of macro photography is a Macro lens. But a lot of us can't afford a dedicated macro lens due to high expense. A reversing ring is an easy solution. But the major disadvantage of using a reversing ring is that, you have no control on aperture. You have to set the aperture manually or use third party device to make it work. And in macro photography a hair movement of the lens while setting the aperture can make the image out of focus.

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